The Trend Goes On

Saturday, January 31, 2009 0224 hrs

Some people wold be surprised that I am still awake a the wee hours of this morning. To me, an academician, leepin late is the nor, whle sleeping early is the exception.

Sometimes in order to be abnormal, one has to break the norm. Usually I would end my day at around mid-night and I would be getting up at 0445 in the morning. But in order to be abnormal, I would sleep after Isya' prayer, i.e. arround 2130 hrs,and I would be awaken at aound 0100 hrs. Usually I would clean myslef and perform Tahajjud and Hajjat prayers. Sometimes I would prolong my communication with Allah swt by reading Yassin and reciting the praises to Him or I would br surfing the cyberword by reading the local and foreingn blogs and websites.

Usually I would fall asleep at around 0300 hrs and I would be awakened at around 0445 or 0500 hrs to continue my normal routines chores. Having cleaned myself, I would be offering the Solat Qabliaah (Before) Subuh preceeding the Subuh Prayer. Then I would be reading Surah Yassin, followed by Doa Haikaal. Soon after, I would get dress and had my breakfast before leaving my wife to fend herself alone at around 0650 headding for MARA Universitty of Technology, Melaka, about 40 km from home.

That's how I spend the night life all these years. Hopefully I would not fail tto perform my Tahajjud, Hajat and Tauat prayers every nights till my dying days. Insy' Allah.

Dr Bano
0244 hrs

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