Xong Hee Fatt Choy

Saturday 13 February 2010
To my Chinese friends and colleagues, Xong Hee Fatt Choy. May the tiger bring happiness, prosperity and good health to us.

My students left for homes to be with their beloved ones on Friday and they would be spending a week to release their hardships while in campus. Hopefully Sarah, Md Amzah, Atiqah, Shahrul Nizam, Joanne, Md Nazir , just to name afew, would be fresh and be ready to spend another two months before their final examinations in April.

Holiday is always a pleasure and a real happening if one is able to manage the time wisely. Go and visit you long lost friends and don't forget your siblings and relatives too. Concurrently try to coax new friends who might be able to offer new insights and perspectives on new issues.

Happy Holidays and ensure yourselves maximise your times during the 7 - day stint and don't fail to turn up at Jalan Hang Tuah when the time is due.
Happy Holidays.

Dr Bano


Anonymous said...

Salam, sir i hope you also will be in good health with your family im Hawa Ahmad from 3a just stop by to read your new post heehe nad by the way you also can stop by at my new blog http://www.software-for-my-aspire-3640.blogspt.com so take care

Dr Bano said...

Assalamualaikum Dear Hawa
It has been months that I failed to browse through the comments made by fellow bloggers like you. Well how are your studies now I hope you would be successful in your academic endeavours.
Dr Bano