Semester Break for the Year

Saturday Jan. 31 st, 2009 2154 hrs
The hours of UiTM's Semester Break are numbered.

By Monday Feb. 2 nd, 2009, the serene scenario at Lendu and City Campus would be revitalised.

For the past one week, the lecture rooms were dead silent because the diploma and degree students were away for a week break. Come Monday, the good and aspiring students would be in the lecture halls, labs and studios, while the non-aspiring ones would inculcate their old habits of being tardy in their attendances because Old Habits Die Hard.

Some people may consider 7 days is too short to dive into their souls in order to quest for their weaknesses, while to some they utilise this short break to repair their long lost dreams and aspirations by embarking on some new plans and strategies to pursue their academic excellence. 7 days night be a short stint, but to people who are time conscious, 7 days, trasformed to minutes would be 7x24x60= 10080. See how have we spent the time given by God? Have we made the time beneficially or productively? To Usain Bolt, 100 M Gold Medalist in the Beijing Olympics, of Trinidad, he covered a distance 0f 100 M within 9.65 seconds and what have we covered in 7 days (10080 x 60 = 604800 seconds)? Some may have refurbished their mental and physical strangths, while some may have made some financal gains by working part time, while, unfortunately, some may have only increased thier sleeping time.

As some say Out of Sight, Out of Mind, I did miss the names of my DAD IC, BBIB 3A, BBIN 3A, Bas $A students. Luckily I could still visualise some characters such as Faliq and Suzilla (DAD), Antarasul (BAS), Badrul (BBIN), to name a few, and I hope to meet and welcome my students by Monday.

Hopefully my dear students would be back to campus in high spirits in order to acquire a piece of paper called diploma or degree. In fact, students are comically labelled as paper chasers in the academic terminology. We would be chasing for Wealth, Power and Prestige throughout our lifes.So dear students, make the right steps to be successful by having proper Purpose, Focus, plan and Strategies. In addition, we must enslave ourselves to Allah swt in whatever we are involved in.

Welcome Back to Campus.

Dr Bano


yuri said...

yah, me too...
excited to learn bout the new things.. thank you sir, i will do my best...insyaallah..

Siti Mariam Mohd Yusof said...



I'm a new student for your class BACC 6D, siti mariam.Insyallah, I will become a good student and do the best.