High Expectation

The recent demise of a twelve-year-old sudent in Penang has drawn me to contribute my perspecive of day's high expectation of paents to their academic achievements. It is not a crime to set goals in our lives. Eery living soul must possess some form of dreams and ambitions in life, but let us not overstep our capabilities.
Children are born form a marriageof two sexes. The paents intelligence is thus passed on o their children. Let us ponder on a couple whose academic achievement is of high quality. Unfortunately the parents did not pursue their studies due to economics or family constraints so they end up being ordinary breadwinner. Chilren who areborn from parents of this category are intelligent and highly motivated in schools. Hence we have children of rubber tappers, lrry drivers or security guard who perform extremely excellence in heir academic endeavours.
Convesely they are children who are born from parents who were not interested in their studies in shools and when they are raising their families they expect their children to be high achievers. The parents have high expectation of their children to do wellin their studies. Unfortunately the children inherited their parents' intelligence which is contrary to simple science, i.e. A coconut tree will never bare apples.
There are three factprs that contribute to the success of an individual in their studies. The first factor is hereditory. Children inherit their parents' intelligence, attitudes and goals in life. A child who is born from a father whose intelligents is low, will never excel in his stuidies. In addition a child will also inherit his parents' positive or negativeattitudes toward life and the child will also possess low self esteem as his father.
The second factor is he environment. A child is deprived of heebasic infrasture at home will find it hard to study. Thus thiswill hinder is motivatio to excel in his studies.
The final factor in achild's road to success is his peers. A child may have intteligent parents, excellent infrastructure ate home, but he mixes with the wrong peers who are unintereseted in their studies may coax him to stray away from working hard in his studies.
A child who misses one of the three factor may end in a doom. So parents of whatever catogory must ponder his soul to ask themselves whether they themselves are interested in studies when hey were young because our children are our clone of us. Know thyself before you know thy God. Henceif you yourself are the mediocre intelligence how dare you expect yourchildren o be excellent?
Parents who are inteligent and have the means to provide the best study environment totheir children must be concerned with their peers. A child who missess one of the three factors may end up being mediocre.
So let us band togetgether to observe seriously about the three factors so that the tragic demise of the twelve-year-old girl in Penang becomes an isolated case in our society

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