Time and Space

Time and space do not belong to us. Allah is the designer and controller of time and space. How would we know that at a certain time and place we would be sent by our comapny to attend a seminar in London.
Basically Time is classified into day time and Night Time. In between the day and night time, we have the dawn, morning, afternoon, evening and mid-night.Who clasifies the day and night time totals 24 hours, 1 minute is 60 seconds and 60 minutes is an hour? Usually in major parts of the world which are not sub-divided into 4 seasons, the light and the dark hours are 12 hours.
When we have the time will we have the space? Sometimes we will have all the time, unfortunately we do not know where to go. Or we plan to go and visit some remote places on the planet earth but we do not have the time.

That's why we must believe that we are not His servants and our life and death is in His hand. Mllah swt. Muslims who pray five times daily would always pledge that, " All my prayer, deeds, life and death are totally for you Oh Allah swt. Hence as Muslims me must ask ourselves whether or not whatever we want to embark on anything is for Allah swt. If the answer is nay, abstain from doing it.

Hopefully we will live happily exclusively for Allah.

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